
REBA Method


REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment)


Developed by Hignett and McAtamney (Nottingham, 2000). Reba estimates the risk of work-related body disorders performing an analysis of the postures adopted by the upper limbs of the body (arm, forearm, wrist), of the trunk, of the neck and of the legs.


REBA also defines:

    • The load or force managed.
    • The type of grip.
    • The type of muscular activity developed by the worker.


It assesses both static and dynamic postures, and there is a possibility of indicating the existence of sudden changes in posture or unstable postures.

It divides the body into two groups:

  • Group A: legs, trunk and neck.
  • Group B: arms, forearms and wrists.

Use it to assess ergonomic risk factors in your work environment

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